
Tender No: CMRL/O&M/Civil Maintenance/RW-01/2025 “Repair Works at Koyambedu Depot and other Metro Stations”.

Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/METROS/ZT-01/2024. “Civil Maintenance of METROS Complex including the officers Quarters at Nandanam and External painting of the Quarters”

Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/SWC-01/2024 “Design, Supply, Fabrication and Installation of Fixed structural Glazing with Toughened Laminated Glass and Aluminium Louvers on the Side openings for the following stations (Wimco Nagar, Thiruvottiyur, Thiruvottiyur Theradi, Kaladipet, Tollgate, and New Washermenpet) for CMRL Phase-I Extension stations.

Tender No: CMRL/CM/EC/VIADUCT & PIER/02/2024. “Comprehensive Maintenance of elevated structures for Corridor 1 (From Airport to Little Mount Ramp and New Washermenpet Ramp to Wimco Nagar Depot) and Corridor 2: From Koyambedu ramp to St. Thomas Mount of Chennai Metro Rail Project Phase I and Phase I Extension”.

Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/SGF-01/2024. “Supply and Installation of Safety Gap Fillers at passenger door locations in both upline & downline platforms and other associated works at required locations in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension stations of CMRL”

Tender No: CMRL/O&M/CIVIL MAINTENANCE/FB-01/2024. “Supply, Installation, and Commissioning of Flood Barriers and other associated civil works in Phase – I & Phase – I Extension of CMRL”