Incoming Traffic to Strahans road from Konnur High road, Cooks Road, and Brick Kiln Road are blocked. All the vehicles coming from these Road have been diverted either via Stephenson Road->Dr. Ambedkar College Road –> Pulianthope High Road –> Demellows Road or->Raja Muthaiah Salai to reach Chennai Central or Brick Kiln Road- > Purasaiwakkam High Road to reach Doveton. All Vehicles coming from Perambur Barracks road or De Mellows Road must take Dr.Ambedkar College road-> Stephenson Road to reach Perumbur. Vehicles up to GCC Zonal office -6 is allowed in the Strahans road. 250m length of full Road portion in the Strahans road closed for Pattalam Metro station construction works. LMV can use New Ferrance Road as alternate to Strahans Road.
Diversion Start Date
CMRL Package